Q. What is Little Magic Stories?
Little Magic Stories is an interactive storytelling app for parents and children, available on Web and mobile devices.
Q. What are all the parts of a Little Magic Story?
A Little Magic Story has several chapters.
A chapter has several turns.
A turn is a single section of a chapter, where you read/hear part of the story, and then have the choice to make a decision.
Q. My turn didn’t work properly!
Press “Help” and then “Redo Turn” to restart the turn.
Q. How long will LMS be in Alpha?
The LMS Alpha will run for a short period, while we learn key aspects of how it works.
Q. Why did LMS slow down?
If you use LMS too much during a day, the server may rate limit you to keep space for other users that day. This happens after a lot of usage - so thanks for playing so much!
Q. Who/what is Feel Good Games?
We are! We produced this app to help people play healthy screen time games and feel the positive vibes of imaginative play. Learn more about us at https://www.littlemagicstories.com/about-us or at feelgoodgames.xyz